Shop Queries:
To enquire about:
- Product queries
- Stock availability
- Putting aside stock (possible for a maximum of 48hrs)
- Interbranch transfers (customer orders)
- Public holiday trading hours
Please contact your closest NIKKI’S branch where the gift guru on duty will be delighted to assist you with your query.
For branches in KZN, please click here
For branches in Gauteng, please click here
Trading hours for all branches are specified on the above.
Bulk Discounts and Bespoke Requests:
As a classic bricks and mortar retail company, we do not have a wholesale division nor do we offer a corporate gifting service. While we welcome repeat or bulk purchases, we are unable to offer bulk discounts, supply products in very high quantities or source particular items that are not already part of our current catalogue.
Online Order Queries:
For queries relating specifically to online orders only, please contact:
Phone: 031 562 4250
Our Online department is contactable between 8am to 4pm only, Monday to Friday.
Becoming a Supplier:
We receive numerous requests from prospective suppliers, and it is not feasible for us to meet or engage with everyone who would like to sell to us. Please click here to find out more about the process to follow to become a NIKKI’S supplier.
Please note that any samples sent to us must be done so with the understanding that they will not be returned or paid for. It also will not guarantee our engagement with you.